A Moment of Eternity

  Remember when you first fell in love?  The many times you fell in love?  Remember how in the beginning every moment was magic and you wished it would never end?  In the midst of your love affair the responsibilities of daily living and other people and problems start to creep in (and they always... Continue Reading →

I Want Some, I Want More

I Want Some A portion a cupcake a sweet taste of life I want more one moonlit night one day of sunshine my first moon my first dance I want more sweet kisses on my lips like candy rushing sea foam clinging warm honey dripping capturing the soul of me embracing the heart of me... Continue Reading →

The Passion of Me

Have you ever just longed for the time you would truly like yourself, be comfortable with you? Have you every woke up refreshed and looked in the mirror and fell in love with the person behind your eyes?  Have you ever made a statement, then jumped back and said "wow, did I say that? pretty... Continue Reading →

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