Passionate Work for Sweet Fruits

"I have found through my work experience, that when I put my passion behind it, my efforts flourish." I have had many careers - music, corporate, entrepreneurship - ranging from the ministry (yep, I'm not jkg!), to music, insurance, art and photography, marketing and advertising, to owning my own companies. Some things I chose to... Continue Reading →

Our Soul Needs Connection

When you need a connection, go to NYC. We live in micro-bubble lives. Work, home, our market, schools, where we shop and where we eat, is all a microcosm of this big world. It can be a bit stifling. Sometimes you need to break out and experience the rest of the world. You probably don't... Continue Reading →

Listening to the Sky

"Stay in each moment. This is how all stories are written. Each moment glides into the next and the next and the next. Each day is its own universe as it travels through time - all orbiting around the sun. Love." ~ From a conversation with my friend Dorsey Mchugh ❤️     Image from : Listening to... Continue Reading →

I had a meeting recently with a dear friend and colleague who is a business coach and life guru.  We first just got together for me to share some tips on photography, but we ended up over lunch talking about me and what I wanted in my business and life.  She said two things to me that... Continue Reading →

George Jetson and Star Trek - bring us hope for the future ! WOW!  2010, 2011, 2012, 2013*&@#$!!  Back in the day when we thought of the "2000's" we thought of the Jetson's, Spock, the Enterprise and flying cars!  I wonder how our cultural collective conscienceness would have changed if we had known that things... Continue Reading →

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